Here is a description of just some of the options, others are self-explanatory and need no comment.
Output Folder – Folder in which the video or audio files will be converted
Overwrite Files – �Video to video� will keep the previous version if the same file is converted several times. Check this option if you don�t want to keep previous versions, but the video to be always copied.
Shapshot Folder – marks the location where grabbed snapshots will be placed. Snapshot can be made by starting the video with the player and by clicking on the �photo� icon you take the snapshot. With a right-click on the icon you can open snapshot folder and view recorded images.
Profiles – Here is an overview of your created profiles. The profiles are in fact your video presets. From the Settings they can be deleted and you can add them when you add a video file. If then, after setting the output parameters, you click the right mouse button on the grid with the parameters you will get the option "save as custom profiles." Enter the profile name and save it. In the future a profile for a certain format can always be selected from this popup menu.